Refer A Friend Program!
When you refer a friend their first visit is $25 off and once they’ve used the offer and picked up their order we’ll send you the same deal for $25 your order.
Best part: Its automatic and absolutely no strings attached, it just can’t be combined with other offers.
Here’s How:
1. Download our app by searching “Dublin Cleaners” in The App Store or Google Play.
2. Follow the images below.

3. Be sure to tell your friend to watch their email and spam for their message.
a. If they can’t find the email, they just need to set up with the same email address on their file and the computer will make the connection and the offer. It will work online, over the phone, or in the store just the same.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are there any limits or restrictions?
No, we’ll gladly accept all your friends and reward each of them, and you every time.
No strings?
None at all, we’re a family business not looking to jerk you around. It just cannot be combined with other offers when redeemed.
Does the $25 Roll over?
Sorry, no. The software just isn’t written to handle that. Be sure to have a good order to get all $25 worth.
What if I am route and the new customer comes to the counter or vice versa?
No worries, its still $25 each. We’re pleased to earn the business either way and your route/store status is not a factor.
What do I need to tell the customer service rep?
Absolutely nothing as long as the person you refer uses the link from the email or the same email address that you entered in the app. It will all happen automatically.
When do I get my $25?
When your friend picks up or takes delivery. You will get an email to confirm and also it will automatically take the $25 off your next order.