Do you know about these simple household tips?

Static Electricity, which worsens in the winter, can be improved:

By misting the “electrified” fabric with a bit of water
By wetting your hands and lightly wiping the affected areas
By applying a light mist of anti-static spray

Diluted vinegar is an acid-based cleaner that can do good and bad things:

White vinegar can clean and disinfect bathroom fixtures and trims
It can help “neutralize” alkaline products such as ammonia and mild bleaches
Vinegar can also actually “etch” or “dull” polished limestone and travertine

In a pinch, household fabrics with sheen or a shine can be safely pressed:

By using a fabric steamer
By placing a teflon cover over the face of your iron
By placing a press cloth or a thin fabric between the iron and the garment

Rust marks on cement, shower curtains and metal objects can be removed:

By applying a product called “Magica” to the affected area
By being patient and allowing Magica to “seep” into the affected area
By using a toothbrush to remove heavier rust deposits